Roasting Temperature Issues

Adjusting Temperature Decimal Points

Discrepancies in temperature decimals between the app and the roasting machine


  • Machine shows 220°C, but Firescope displays 22°C

  • Machine shows 23°C, but Firescope displays 2300°C

  • Temeperature displayed in Firescope doesn't match the roasting machine

How to solve the problem

  1. Go to the top menu bar

  2. Navigate to Roasting Machine -> Edit -> Modify -> Advanced Settings.

  3. Adjust the decimal places to align with the roasting machine's display.

    1. If 220°C shows as 22°C, change decimal places from 1 to 0.

    2. If 23°C shows as 230°C, change decimal places from 1 to 2.

Last updated