Probat Probatone Type2
In this page you can find how to connect the Probatone Type2 series roasters with Firescope.
If you need help integrating Probat Probatone, please contact Firescope for assistance.
1. (Very Important) Check Roaster Compatibility
Roasters with a LAN port on the back can be connected with Firescope. For Probat roasters, ensure the Probat option is included at purchase. Please confirm this with the manufacturer.
2. Preparation and Setup:
Required materials: LAN cable (Ethernet cable), wireless router (optional)
Connect one end of the LAN cable to the roaster and the other end to your computer.
On the Probat's screen, press the button in the lower right corner and check the displayed IP address.
In Firescope, go to the 'Machine' menu and click the 'Create' button.
Enter a nickname that will help you identify the roasting machine.
Read the instructions provided, and then choose the correct preset from 'Preset' select box.
How to choose the preset for the Probatone Type2 roaster:
5kg models: Select the 'Probatone 5' preset. This preset typically only reads BT and power levels, without supporting ET.
12kg models and above: Use the 'Probatone 12' preset.
ET integration: if you need to monitor ET, you need to install additional temperature sensors and logging devices. Contact the manufacturer for assistance with this set up.
For the Network IP, enter the IP address you obtained in Step 2, and keep the port set to 502.
If set up correctly, the temperature should display in the bottom left corner within 10 seconds.
Last updated