Cancellations and Refunds

Cancelling Your Subscription

Upon cancellation, your subscription will automatically switch to the Free plan. The period from the last billing date to the cancellation request date is considered used. The remaining period's amount is prorated and refunded as credit.

How to Cancel Your Subscription

  1. Go to the [Payment page] (

  2. Click the Cancel Subscription button in the [Current plan] section.

  3. Confirm the cancellation on the prompt. Your subscription cancellation will be completed.

Payment Failure

Automatic billing is attempted based on the card registered during subscription. If payment fails, plan usage will be restricted the next day. For 3 days, payment attempts are made once daily. If successful, the service resumes immediately. If payment fails after 3 days, the subscription is considered canceled. To use paid features again, please re-subscribe.

Automatic payment may fail due to reasons such as exceeding the card limit, expired card, card cancellation, or password errors. For more detailed failure reasons, please contact via email or Channel Talk.


What is Credit?

Credit replaces additional costs during transactions, making the service more convenient. Credit is used before card payments for subscription fees.

Credit Withdrawal

Credit can be withdrawn, but a 10% fee applies. For withdrawals, please contact us at via email or Channel Talk.


Refunds refer to a 100% cancellation of the payment to the original payment method. Refunds can be requested within 7 days from the payment date if no roasting records exist during the subscription period. Please contact us at via email or Channel Talk for refunds.


Firescope charges users only for the actual period used, calculated from the plan usage and change dates.

Proration refers to the process of calculating the amount converted to store credit upon cancellation or plan change, based on the following:

  • Prepaid subscription period: From the last billing date to the next billing date.

  • Period used: From the last billing date to the cancellation or plan change date.

  • Unused period: Subtracted from the prepaid subscription period by the used period.

  • Plan regular price: Original price excluding the annual discount + regular price tax.

  • Refund amount: (Unused period / Prepaid subscription period) * Plan regular price.

Last updated