Roasting Graph Settings

How to Configure the Graph

In the roasting page, click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) in the top right corner of the graph. Click on the "Graph Settings".

Line Color & Visibility:

  • Customize the graph colors based on your preference.

Time Axis: horizontal axis of the graph

  • Adjust the interval and sub-interval to control the spacing of the lines on the graph vertically.

  • Set the start and end points to define the horizontal range of the graph.

  • Enable "Auto Extend Time Axis" to ensure the graph automatically extends even if roasting time goes beyond the set end point.

Temperature Axis: vertical axis of the graph

  • Customize the interval and sub-interval to determine the spacing of the lines horizontally on the graph.

  • Set the minimum and maximum temperatures to establish the vertical range of the graph.

  • Turn on "Auto Extend Temperature Axis" to allow the graph to automatically extend if the roaster's temperature surpasses the set maximum.

RoR (Rate of Rise):

  • On the right side of the graph, adjust the interval and start/end points to display RoR values in a user-friendly format.

  • Click on "Auto Extend RoR Axis" to have the graph automatically extend, even if RoR values exceed the set maximum.

Phase Point Settings:

  • Set the Drawing End Temperature and 1st Crack Start Temperature to customize temperature zones.

  • When the Drawing End Temperature is reached after a turning point, the Drawing End event is automatically added.

  • A yellow zone on the graph represents this temperature zone.

Events and Other Settings:

  • Event Reference Temperature: Choose between BT (Bean Temperature) and ET (Environmental Temperature) for heat and airflow recording.

  • Heat and Airflow Event Names: Change the names displayed on the graph for these events.

  • Set conditions to detect charing and discharging beans based on temperature drops in BT.

Saving Graph Settings

Save your favorite graph settings for quick access later. Click the button at the bottom right of the graph settings to open a window where you can save the current graph settings.

Loading Graph Settings

After saving your preferred graph settings, instantly apply them by clicking the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner and select "Saved setting".

Last updated