Roasting Record Search and Filters

When searching for roasting records, you can use keywords like the name of the green bean/blend, batch name, or roaster's name.

  1. Click on the top part of the roasting record table to initiate a search. You can find the desired records using keywords such as green bean/blend name, batch name, or roaster's name.

  2. Within the results of your keyword search, you can add additional keywords for refined searches. Click the "Add" button next to the searched keyword to add another one. This way, you can find records that match both keywords.

Roasting Record Filters: Filter out records based on additional conditions among the records visible in the roasting history or those obtained from a search. Click the filter button in the top right corner, input the desired conditions such as roasting date, country, variety, process, harvest time, or green bean supplier, and hit the filter button. The displayed records will then match the specified conditions.

Items in the Roasting Record List: The roasting record list includes information about the green beans used, roaster and batch details, and events and results during roasting. You can choose to select or deselect specific items based on your preferences. Click the three-dot icon in the upper right corner to see all customizable items in the roasting record. You can edit these items by checking or unchecking them according to your preferences.

Last updated